Your Small Business Loan Experts 1-855-220-3821
Small business loans approved in as little as 24 hours!
Not your
average lenders
We go above and beyond to finance
small businesses that have big ideas.
Save 20% on your loan costs for all loans that fund by Sept. 15, 2017!
I qualified for a traditional bank loan but they wanted collateral and would’ve taken 3 – 5 months to get me the funding. In less than 7 days and with no collateral I was able to get $250,000 to purchase a new location through Paramount’s small business lending program. Two years later and my revenues have more than doubled because I was able to jump on this location fast.
Paramount was able to get me $50,000 when no one else could. This allowed me to purchase inventory at a huge discount and helped me meet demand allowing my business to grow.
I was a bit skeptical at first but Paramount was able to find the right loan for my business. Over the past 2 years, I have been able to get two different loans that were based on how well my business was doing. I trust these guys and would recommend Paramount to other business owners.
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